色の名前Japan Color Name | 青(あお) |
ローマ字Romanized | Ao |
RGB | R:000 G:113 B:176 |
CMYK | C:100 M:25 Y:00 K:25 |
Web カラーHex triplet |
[Explanation of a color]
The Ao is one of the basic color name is the generic name of the color, such as lapis lazuli and the sea on a sunny day. After sliding dyed by spiderwort flower of a primitive, it was almost Somedasa by Aizen. The color name that shows a wide range for a long time, blue is pointing black and green, also white plant, it was yellow with orange flavor drab horse chestnut paleness Speaking and blue the Heian period. In addition to the cyan color, is called also the color of the green line color clear water and sea and sky, and greens and vegetables Aoba in modern times. It is one of three primary colors in additive color (red, green, and blue).
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表示されている色(RGB値)は色の名前に対するおおよそものです。色名によっては広範囲の色を指す場合や文献・書籍等によっては解釈が異なる場合もありますのでご了承ください。 ご利用の環境によっては、色が適切に表示されていない場合があります。