色の名前Japan Color Name | 小紫(こむらさき) |
ローマ字Romanized | Komurasaki |
RGB | R:075 G:013 B:067 |
CMYK | C:40 M:80 Y:00 K:70 |
Web カラーHex triplet | |
誕辰色 | 5月10日 |
小紫といえば、一般的には植物や蝶の名前、または歌舞伎の演目「其小唄夢廓 」から吉原の遊女、三浦屋「小紫」のほうが知られているかもしれません。
小紫(コムラサキ)とは、シソ目クマツヅラ科ムラサキシキブ属の落葉低木です。別名は「小式部 」。 和名の由来は、植物の「紫式部 」を小さくしたような姿から、この名前がつきました。初夏に薄紫の花を咲かせます。
なお、色名の『紫式部 』も植物の紫式部の実に由来する色です。
ちなみに、蝶 の「小紫 」は色名や植物の小紫とは関連がなく、蝶の「大紫 」に対してつけられたものです。
小紫を『しょうし』と読むと、648年に施行された「七色十三階冠 」の冠位の色を指します。『小紫 』は上から数えて6番目の色で『大紫 』の下にあたります。

-読み: こむらさき-
- 長崎盛輝『新版 日本の伝統色 その色名と色調』青幻舎 ISBN-10:4861520711
- 吉岡幸雄『日本の色辞典』紫紅社 ISBN-10:4879405493
- 内田 広由紀『定本 和の色事典』視覚デザイン研究所 ISBN-10:4881082035
[Explanation of a color]
The Komurasaki is the astringent dark purple color like the fruit of Komurasaki.
Speaking of “Komurasaki”, it may be commonly known that Yoshiwara’s prostitute Miuraya “Komurasaki” is from the name of plants and butterflies, or Kabuki’s program “Sonokoutayumemoyoshiwara”.
Originally written as “濃紫”, the small purple is similar in color to the real color of Komurasaki, it seems from when it was established as a color name small purple.
Usually, it refers to “pale color” if we put “小” on the color name, but it is quite a stylish color name that I dare put a letter of “小紫” attached with “小” to dark purple I guess.
Komurasaki is a deciduous shrub belonging to the genus Scutellariae. Another name is “Koshikibu”. Origin of the Japanese name came from this figure as if we reduced the plant ‘Murasakishikibu’. In early summer, light purple flowers will bloom.
The color name “Murasakishikibu” is also derived from the plant Murasakishikibu fruit.
Although Murasakishikibu and Komurasaki are often confused plants, they are strictly different types, and Komurasaki is more popular because the method of fruit is beautiful.
By the way, the butterfly “Komurasaki” is not related to the color name or plant Komurasaki, it was attached to the butterfly “Ohmurasaki”.
When reading small purple as “Shoushi”, it refers to the color of the crown position of “Nanashikijusankaikan” which took effect in 648. “Shoushi” is the sixth color from the top and falls under “Daishi”.
-read: Komurasaki-
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