色の名前Japan Color Name | 柘榴色(ざくろいろ) |
ローマ字Romanized | Zakuro-iro |
RGB | R:201 G:046 B:054 |
CMYK | C:00 M:90 Y:68 K:20 |
Web カラーHex triplet | |
誕辰色 | 10月3日 |
柘榴はザクロ科ザクロ属の落葉小高木。日本には平安時代に渡来しており、『日用本草』などに記述が見られます。また、お釈迦様が子を食らう鬼子母神に与えた果物として有名で、果実に種子が多いことから子孫繁栄の『吉祥果 』とも呼ばれました。縁起の良い果物であり、特に女性の幸運の象徴ということで着物や帯の柄としても人気です。
ちなみに、ことわざ『紅一点』は、中国の詩人「王安石 」が初夏に鮮やかな橙色の花を咲かせ緑の樹木の中で目立つ柘榴の花のさまを『万緑叢中紅一点 』(咏石榴詩)と詩に詠んだことに由来しています。
- 長崎盛輝『新版 日本の伝統色 その色名と色調』青幻舎 ISBN-10:4861520711
- 吉岡幸雄『日本の色辞典』紫紅社 ISBN-10:4879405493
- 内田 広由紀『定本 和の色事典』視覚デザイン研究所 ISBN-10:4881082035
[Explanation of a color]
The Zakuro-iro, it is a deep red color tinged with fruit such Beni-mi of pomegranate. Or you may refer to a bright orange like pomegranate flowers. Notation as “石榴色”.
At present, but it seems Speaking of pomegranate color image of red red close to garnet color is strong, because in Japan tend to be attracted to the flowers than fruits from ancient times, prefer the color of bright orange flowers originally it seems it was a pomegranate color and.
Pomegranate pomegranate pomegranate family genus of deciduous Odaka tree. In Japan it is to try to Heian Period, and is seen described as “daily Materia Medica”. In addition, it is famous as a fruit that was given to the Monster of the Buddha is eat a child, it was also referred to as the “Kisshouka” of offspring prosperity from that seed is often the fruit. Auspicious is a good fruit, it is also popular as a pattern of kimono and obi in the fact that especially women of good luck symbol.
By the way, saying “only female”, the Chinese poet “Ou Anseki” that’s poem the pomegranate flower Somerset that stand out in the green of the trees bloom bright orange flowers in early summer to as “Banryoku souchu Kouitten” I have derived from.
-read: Zakuro-iro-
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