色の名前Japan Color Name | 生成色(きなりいろ) |
ローマ字Romanized | Kinari-iro |
RGB | R:247 G:239 B:227 |
CMYK | C:00 M:05 Y:10 K:05 |
Web カラーHex triplet | |
誕辰色 | 9月21日 |
生成色(きなりいろ)とは、晒 す前の木綿のようなわずかに赤みがかった黄みの白色のことです。「ナチュラルカラー」が流行した昭和になって生まれた色で、染めたり晒したりしていない生地を指していた「生成 り」が色名として一般化しました。
※晒 す=漂白
ちなみに、生成色を本来の伝統色でいえば、鶏の卵殻の色である『鳥の子色』や、卯 の花 の色のような『卯の花色』が近い色と言えそうです。
- 長崎盛輝『新版 日本の伝統色 その色名と色調』青幻舎 ISBN-10:4861520711
- 吉岡幸雄『日本の色辞典』紫紅社 ISBN-10:4879405493
- 内田 広由紀『定本 和の色事典』視覚デザイン研究所 ISBN-10:4881082035
[Explanation of a color]
The Kinari-iro is a slightly reddish yellowish white color like cotton before it is exposed. “Natural color” was born in the Showa era where the epidemic became popular, and it was generalized as “coloring name” which was pointing to a fabric that did not dye or expose.
In the 1970s, Japan in the late period of high economic growth, pollution problems such as the rapid industrialization to date have been getting worse. As a result, consumers are gradually increasing their awareness of anti-industrialism and their natural orientation will become stronger.
From this trend, “natural color” and “earth color” which are color-oriented and natural colors have become popular. “Kinari-iro” is one of the colors symbolizing Japan in those days.
By the way, speaking of the original color in the original traditional color, “Torinoko-iro” which is the color of eggshell of chicken and “Unohana-iro” like color of Uno flower seems to be close colors.
-read: Kinari-iro-
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