色の名前Japan Color Name | 珊瑚珠色(さんごしゅいろ) |
ローマ字Romanized | Sangoshu-iro |
RGB | R:239 G:069 B:074 |
CMYK | C:05 M:85 Y:64 K:00 |
Web カラーHex triplet | |
誕辰色 | 12月17日 |
珊瑚珠色(さんごしゅいろ)は、宝石の珊瑚の珠玉のような明るく華やかな赤橙色のことです。文字通り珊瑚の珠玉に因 んだ色で、別に『珊瑚朱 』とも表記します。珊瑚の珠玉には、白、桃色、赤の三種があり、中でも深い赤色は『血色 』と呼ばれ珍重されました。
古くから珊瑚の珠玉は、髪飾りや簪 などの装身具や装飾品に加工されましたが、中国の彩色版画絵手本『芥子園画伝 』によると、宋代では印肉に用いたとの記述あり、また唐代の絵画で変色しない紅色は、珊瑚珠を粉末にした顔料が使われていると記されています。その顔料が『珊瑚色 』と呼ばれる色で、後に日本に伝来しました。珊瑚色の中でもとくに色が濃く赤珊瑚に近いような色が『珊瑚珠色』と呼ばれるようになったようです。 また別に、珊瑚珠色は『珊瑚色』の別名であり、同じ色とする説もあります。珊瑚(さんご)
古くから珊瑚の赤が日本人の黒髪によく映えることから、髪飾りや簪 などの装飾品として珍重されました。もちろん現在でも珊瑚は深く愛好されており、宝石協会では珊瑚を3月の誕生石としています。
ちなみに、珊瑚珠の初出は江戸後期の風俗・習慣について書かれた随筆『嬉遊笑覧 』。衣装競べの際に珊瑚珠で「南天の実をあらわした」と記されています。
- 長崎盛輝『新版 日本の伝統色 その色名と色調』青幻舎 ISBN-10:4861520711
- 吉岡幸雄『日本の色辞典』紫紅社 ISBN-10:4879405493
- 内田 広由紀『定本 和の色事典』視覚デザイン研究所 ISBN-10:4881082035
[Explanation of a color]
Sangosyu-iro is that of gem bright gorgeous red-orange, such as the jewelry of coral. Literally in a color named after factor in gem of coral, and also referred to as separate from “珊瑚朱. The gem of coral, white, pink, there is a red of three types, among them deep red color has been prized called “Chi-iro”.
Gem of coral from the old, but has been processed into trinkets and ornaments, such as hair ornaments and hairpin, according to color prints picture model of China “Kaishiengaden”, there is a description that was used for the ink-pads in the Song Dynasty, also Tang red that does not change color in the generation of the painting is marked when the pigment was the Sangosyu the powder is being used. In a color that the pigment is called “Sango-iro”, it was handed down in Japan after. Color, such as close to a particular color is dark red coral also in Sango-iro it is seems to have become to be known as “Sangosyu-iro”. Alternatively, Sangosyu-iro is the alias of “Sango-iro”, there is also a theory that the same color.
Coral, jellyfish and sea anemone fellow Cnidaria anthozoan belonging to the animal. And those made in the jewelry by developing them hard skeleton, there are such as to form a coral reef. One of cloisonne coral jewelry in Buddhism.
From the fact that the red coral shine well into Japanese of black hair from ancient times, it has been prized as ornaments, such as hair ornaments and hairpin hairpin. Of course coral still are lovers deeply, in the jewelry Association You are birthstone of March the coral.
By the way, essay first appearance of Sangosyu written about the late Edo period of the manners and customs “Kiyushouran”. It has been marked as “represents the fruit of the southern sky” in viburnum odoratissimum during the costume compared.
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