色の名前Japan Color Name | 紅色(べにいろ) |
ローマ字Romanized | Beni-iro |
RGB | R:225 G:052 B:076 |
CMYK | C:00 M:90 Y:56 K:05 |
Web カラーHex triplet | |
誕辰色 | 3月14日 |
平安時代からの色名で、中国の呉から伝わった藍 という意味の「呉藍 」から「紅 」と呼ばれるように。なお、この場合の藍とは『藍色』のことではなく「染料」を表しています。また、 さらに唐から伝わったという意味で『唐紅(韓紅) 』とも呼ばれていました。
紅花が茎の末から咲きはじめていくのを順次摘み取ることから、「末摘花 」の雅称で呼ばれました。『源氏物語』の「末摘花」も紅花に由来しています。
艶やかな紅色は平安朝の人々に人気でしたが、紅花染は非常に高価であり濃染は『禁色 』とされて高貴な身分しか着用できませんでした。『日本色彩文化史』によれば、絹一疋 を紅色に染めた価格が約二十貫文、これは約米十三石にあたり、現代換算で130万円ほどになります。(※一疋=二反。一反は大人一人分の布地の量。)
紅染めは江戸時代に入っても変わらず人気でしたが、奢侈禁止令 などにより何度も禁制とされ、それでも紅色系の色を欲した人々によって『甚三紅 』などの紅を使わない色が生み出されることになります。
「桃の花 紅色に にほいたる
面輪のうちに 青柳の 細き屋根を 笑みまがり」大伴家持
- 長崎盛輝『新版 日本の伝統色 その色名と色調』青幻舎 ISBN-10:4861520711
- 吉岡幸雄『日本の色辞典』紫紅社 ISBN-10:4879405493
- 内田 広由紀『定本 和の色事典』視覚デザイン研究所 ISBN-10:4881082035
[Explanation of a color]
The Beni-iro, is a bright red by the stain of safflower. Or in some cases to refer to the red of Purplish, that this case is of the three primary colors CMY colorant M of “magenta”. It is also read as “Kurenai” and “Koushoku”.
In color name from the Heian era, in the sense of Ai was transmitted from Wu of China from “Kurenonai” to be called “Kurenai”. It is to be noted that the indigo of this case represents the “dye” not that of “Ai-iro”. In addition, it has been also referred to as “Karakurenai” in the sense that further transmitted from Tang.
Safflower is an annual plant of the Asteraceae safflower genus. Dye that has been extracted from the ancient from safflower is used all over the world, in Japan was handed down in mid-retail price. Has been actively cultivated from the days of peace, those fermented and dried from picking the flowers of safflower is, red dyes and lipstick, such as cosmetics, has become a food coloring. By the way, safflower is I originally there are more of the yellow flower a yellow dye is, we take out the removed red dye yellow pigment by applying a number of processing.
Safflower from sequentially pluck going beginning to bloom from the end of the stem, was called by the elegant name of “Suetsumuhana”. It comes from the “suetsumuhana” also safflower of the “Tale of Genji”.
Glossy red was popular with the people of the Heian period, but safflower dye is very expensive deep dyeing was not able to wear only noble identity is a “Kinjiki”. In fact, the dye silk one small animal (= the two antiferromagnetic) in Beni-iro, will cost more than US thirteen stone, this will be about 1.3 million yen in modern terms.
Although red-dyed was popular unchanged well into the Edo era, is policed many times by such luxury ban, colors that do not use the red, such as “Jinzamomi” is produced still by the people who wanted the color of the red system It will be.
Beni-iro Not only was loved by many people for a long time, such as the red circle of the Japanese flag is defined as “Beni-iro”, it is likely to say that familiar important color also for our country.
-read: beni-iro-
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店舗:みなぎ正絹 きぬ 端切れ はぎれ 40色 人形材料 つまみ細工 手芸材料 重ね襟地 半襟地 日本製 紗綾型地紋 絹のはぎれ(23.淡紅色)
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店舗:リトルタフ重ね襟 重ね衿 成人式 振袖 訪問着 ポリエステル100% 薄紅色 紗綾型 日本製 礼装 フォーマル セミフォーマル 訪問着 付け下げ 振袖 着物 和装小物 伊
店舗:こだわりきもの専門店 Kisste