色の名前Japan Color Name | 萩色(はぎいろ) |
ローマ字Romanized | Hagi-iro |
RGB | R:226 G:079 B:147 |
CMYK | C:00 M:80 Y:00 K:05 |
Web カラーHex triplet | |
誕辰色 | 6月25日 |
萩色(はぎいろ)とは、秋の山野に咲く萩 の花のような紫みの明るい紅 色のことです。 古くからの色名で、もともとは重 ねの色や織り色の名前でした。
平安時代の古典「栄花物語」にも、女房装束として「萩の唐衣 」の記述がみられます。
萩 (ハギ)
萩の文字は日本固有の字で、文字形成はその草が秋を代表することから、「秋」の字に「草かんむり」をつけたものとなった。古くは「芽子 」と書かれている。
重 ねの色目では「表紫、裏白」で萩の花を表した配色となっています。 着用時期は六・七月。
なお、『萩』の織色が「経糸・青、緯糸・蘇芳 」であることから、「表蘇芳、裏青」の別説もあります。
ちなみに、萩がつく色名には他に『夏萩 』や『萩経青 』、『萩重 』がありますが、いずれも襲の色に由来する色名です。
萩は江戸時代の俳人“森川許六 ”も「萩はやさしき花也。」と紹介しているように、たおやかで儚い印象です。


- 長崎盛輝『新版 日本の伝統色 その色名と色調』青幻舎 ISBN-10:4861520711
- 吉岡幸雄『日本の色辞典』紫紅社 ISBN-10:4879405493
- 内田 広由紀『定本 和の色事典』視覚デザイン研究所 ISBN-10:4881082035
[Explanation of a color]
Thr Hagiiro is a bright purple color like purple flowers blooming in the autumn mountains. It is an old color name, originally the name of the attack color and weave color. In the Heian period classic ‘Eika Hana Monogatari’, you can also find ‘Samu no Torii’ as a wife’s costume.
A rose is a flower representing autumn as selected as “fall seven herbs”, and a pretty crimson flower has been loved by the Japanese for a long time. Many songs are also sung on the theme of Zen in Manyoshu, and many appear in Heian literature such as “Makura-no-soushi” in “Seisho Nagon.”
Acupuncture is a generic term for legumes. Fallen leaves shrubs. It is one of the seven plants in autumn, and the flowering season is from July to October. The letter of 萩 is unique to Japan, and the letter formation is that the grass represents autumn, so the letter of “autumn” has “Kanmuri”. It is written as “芽子” in old times.
In addition, a rose flower is also famous as a motif for the July tag of Hanafuda.
In Kasane’s eyes, it is a color scheme representing a rose flower with “front, purple, back, white”. Wearing time is June and July.
In addition, since the weave color of “Kaki” is “warp, blue, weft, Suou”, there is another theory of “front, Suou, back, blue”.
By the way, there are “Natsuhagi”, “Hagitateao”, and “Hgigasane” as the color names that get wrinkled, but they are all color names derived from the color of the attack.
As is the case of the Edo period haiku poet “Morikawa Kyoriku” as “A kindly flower.” It is a relaxed and ugly impression. If you use “萩”, you want to use it sparingly like the image.
-read: Hagi-iro-
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