色の名前Japan Color Name | 半色(はしたいろ) |
ローマ字Romanized | Hashita-iro |
RGB | R:166 G:132 B:163 |
CMYK | C:20 M:40 Y:00 K:30 |
Web カラーHex triplet | |
誕辰色 | 2月2日 |
半色(はしたいろ)とは、淡い渋みの紅紫色のことです。『半色』は規定から外れた中間の色、半端な色という意味で、別に『端色 』とも書きました。平安文学にもその名が見られる古い色名で、もとは古代の染めの色に由来します。
平安時代の格式「延喜式 」では、紫色は『深紫 』と『浅紫 』の二色が規定されており、この二色に当てはらまない色を『半色』と呼んでいました。
深紫 | 浅紫 |
また、『半色』を中間的な紫の『中紫 』と同色とする説もありますが、色合い的には『中紫』と『浅紫』の中間で「許色 」になります。
ちなみに、半色は染め色の他にも、織り色や重 ねの色にも見られ、織り色は有職故実書「桃花蘂葉 」(一四八○)によると「経緯 ともに薄紫」で織られていたようです。
もともと『半色』は、どんな色とも呼べない中途半端な色の意味でしたが、『禁色 』に当てはまらない紫色ということで人気となり色名として定着したようです。
『宇津保物語 』。
- 長崎盛輝『新版 日本の伝統色 その色名と色調』青幻舎 ISBN-10:4861520711
- 吉岡幸雄『日本の色辞典』紫紅社 ISBN-10:4879405493
- 内田 広由紀『定本 和の色事典』視覚デザイン研究所 ISBN-10:4881082035
[Explanation of a color]
The Hashita-iro is a light austere crimson-purple color. Hashita-iro” means an intermediate color that deviates from the norm, or a halfway color, and was also written as “端色” (meaning “edge color”). It is an old color name that can be found in Heian literature, and was originally derived from an ancient dye color.
In the Heian-period Engishiki, the two colors of purple were defined as “Kokimurasaki” and “Asakimurasaki,” and colors that did not fall into these two categories were called “Hashita-rio.
There were also “semi-colors” for other colors such as red and blue, but “purple” was a special color in Japan, so the names of colors in the purple family have remained.
There is also a theory that “Hashita-rio” is the same color as “Nakamurasaki,” an intermediate purple, but in terms of hue, it is “Yurushi-iro” between “Nakamurasaki” and “Asakimurasaki.
Yurushi-iro is a color that was allowed to be worn regardless of status.
According to the “Touka-zuiyo” (1480), a book on the history of the art of making and weaving, the color used for weaving was “light purple both lengthwise and crosswise.
Originally, “Hanshiki” meant a halfway color that could not be called any color, but it became popular as a color name because it was a purple color that was not “Kinjiki”.
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