色の名前Japan Color Name | 乾鮭色(からさけいろ) |
ローマ字Romanized | Karasake-iro |
RGB | R:235 G:151 B:147 |
CMYK | C:00 M:50 Y:30 K:5 |
Web カラーHex triplet |
乾鮭色(からさけいろ)とは、乾燥させた鮭の身のような橙色がかった桃色のことです。 その名のとおり乾燥させた鮭の身の部分に因んだ色で、近世の狂言・浄瑠璃などにもその名が見られる古い色です。
ただし、この系統の色としては『鴇色 』というとても代表的な色ががあり、『乾鮭色』はほとんど使われていませんでした。
鮭由来の色としては他に、そのものずばり『鮭色 』がありますが、こちらは生の鮭の身の色に由来し、『乾鮭色』よりも薄い色を指します。こちらは明治以降に『サーモンピンク』の色が西洋から伝わった際に、和訳して作られたものでしょう。

いでいで鰆 説法を述べんと、「烏賊 にも鱸 にすすけたる黒鯛 の衣に乾鮭色の袈裟を着し、〜まづ説法を鯣 なり。」
『虎明本狂言・魚説経』 (室町末~近世初)
- 長崎盛輝『新版 日本の伝統色 その色名と色調』青幻舎 ISBN-10:4861520711
- 吉岡幸雄『日本の色辞典』紫紅社 ISBN-10:4879405493
- 内田 広由紀『定本 和の色事典』視覚デザイン研究所 ISBN-10:4881082035
[Explanation of a color]
The Karasake-iro, is the pink to orange did not like only the dried salmon. English name is “salmon pink”. The color named after the real part of the as dried salmon in the name. There is also a color named “Sakeiro,” but, here is the color of the body of raw salmon, it refers to the lighter color than “Inuisakeshoku”.
When the color of the “salmon pink” was transmitted from the West since the Meiji era, but it seems that it is the color name that was made by Japanese translation, it is more of today “salmon pink” is common. By the way, as the color of the pink system that orange did not like “Karasake-iro” There are such as “Colors coral color coral”, “Toki-iro” and.
Salmon, salmon eyes salmonid fish of salmon species. In Japan, the main river of Hokkaido and the Tohoku region, but spawning and run-up also in the western part of the Sea of Japan side and the Kanto region of the river from central Honshu. Salmon in Japan is an important food fish since ancient times, those that were in Shiobiki and dried fish was the place of the tax, such as a conceded of the court and the shogunate.
Salmon has transmitted a lot of anecdotes, such as was the favorite food of the story and that of the Kamakura shogunate love also historical figures “Minamoto no Yoritomo” was impressed by the taste of salmon, Dewa local warring lord “Mogami Yoshiaki” .
Among Japan’s traditional colors with a number, there is color names named after the fish is something about “salmon”.
-read: Karasake-iro-
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