色の名前Japan Color Name | 紫檀色(したんいろ) |
ローマ字Romanized | Shitan-iro |
RGB | R:107 G:21 B:53 |
CMYK | C:00 M:80 Y:20 K:70 |
Web カラーHex triplet | |
誕辰色 | 12月21日 |
紫檀とはインド、スリランカ原産のマメ科の常緑高木で、日本では『鉄刀木 』、『黒檀 』とともに唐木三大銘木の一つ。
紫檀は堅く緻密 で耐久性に優れていることから、高級家具材として愛好され貴族や王室の家具として使用されました。
正倉院御物の『螺鈿紫檀五絃琵琶 』などが有名。
- ■紫(むらさき)の由来や色見本
- ■赤紫(あかむらさき)の由来や色見本
- ■葡萄染(えびぞめ)の由来や色見本
- 長崎盛輝『新版 日本の伝統色 その色名と色調』青幻舎 ISBN-10:4861520711
- 吉岡幸雄『日本の色辞典』紫紅社 ISBN-10:4879405493
- 内田 広由紀『定本 和の色事典』視覚デザイン研究所 ISBN-10:4881082035
[Explanation of a color]
The Shitan-iro, it is the deep dark reddish purple, such as Shitan of wood.
India and Shitan, evergreen Takagi of the Sri Lanka native legume, in Japan “Tagayasan”, is one of Karaki three major precious wood with “Kokutan”.
From the fact that fragrance of faint rose drifts in wood, in the West I is called “Rosewood”.
Shitan was used because it is excellent in tight dense dense and durable, as furniture are lovers nobility and royal as fine furniture material.
Such as the famous “Radenshitan-GogennoBiwa” of Shosoin imperial treasures.
Over the years Shitan of precious wood that was polished, color name that could be from the color tinged with beautiful purple body. However, old and since the era not seen as a color name, it is thought to be a color name that could be when the rosewood’s name was transmitted Japanese translation since the Meiji era.
-Class four seasons as color Kasane “Table · Suou, back · Hanada” There was such.
-read: Shitan-iro-
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