色の名前Japan Color Name | 若菜色(わかないろ) |
ローマ字Romanized | Wakana-iro |
RGB | R:204 G:222 B:104 |
CMYK | C:26 M:00 Y:70 K:00 |
Web カラーHex triplet | |
誕辰色 | 4月22日 |
若菜色(わかないろ)とは、初春の若菜のような明るい黄緑色のことです。春先の山菜の色全体を指す爽やかな色ですが、「若菜」が「春の七草」の別名であることから春の七草に因 んだ色とも言われています。
芹 、薺 、御形 、繁縷 、仏の座 、菘 、蘿蔔 といった春の七草は、古代の宮中では万病を除くとされ、正月七日の「若菜摘み」と「七草粥」は年始の大切な行事のひとつでした。若菜摘む女性の風景は、『万葉集 』『枕草子』『源氏物語』などでもよく見られるように、古くより馴染みのものだったようです。
ちなみに、「若」がつく伝統色は新緑の草花に由来する緑色に多く、『若草色 』『若苗色 』『若竹色 』『若芽色 』など多数見られます。

[Explanation of a color]
The Wakana-iro, is a bright yellow-green like Wakana of early spring. Is a refreshing color that points to the overall color of the early spring of edible wild plants, but it is also referred to as a color named after factor in the spring of herbs from it is the alias of “Wakana” is “Spring of seven herbs”.
Seri, shepherd’s purse, five elements, Hakobera, henbit, Suzuna, the spring of herbs, such as radish, in the ancient imperial court is with the exception of all kinds of diseases, of the New Year seven days as “WakanaTsumi”, “rice porridge with seven herbs” was one of the New Year of the important event. Wakana pluck woman landscape is as it was “Manyoshu,” “The Pillow Book,” “The Tale of Genji” familiar things than old enough to became a motif in such.
By the way, traditional color to get the “Waka” Many green derived from the fresh green of flowers, can be seen a large number, such as “Wakakusa-iro” “Wakatake-iro” “Wakame-iro” “Wakatake-iro”.
-read: Wakana-iro-