色の名前Japan Color Name | 緑(みどり) |
ローマ字Romanized | Midori |
RGB | R:050 G:124 B:088 |
CMYK | C:81 M:42 Y:77 K:02 |
Web カラーHex triplet |
緑(みどり)とは、おいしげる樹木の葉の色のような深い緑色のことです。光の三原色の一つ。古代から使われている色名で、古くは露草 による『青』と、刈安 か黄檗 による『黄色』で染めていました。
養老の衣服令 (七五七)では『深緑 』と『浅緑 』の2色に分かれており『深緑』が官位六位、『浅緑』が七位と中位の色でした。また 、「延喜縫殿寮式 」には『深緑』『中緑』『浅緑』の3色の染色について記されています。
古くから寒色系統の色は「あお」と呼ばれていましたが、特に深い緑色を指す場合は、鴗鳥 (翡翠 の古名)の羽根の緑色にちなんで「そにどりのあお」と呼んでおり、「みどり」の和名は「そにどり」から転じたものともいわれています。
「鴗鳥 の青き御衣 を ま具 さに 取り装ひ」(古事記)
[Explanation of a color]
The Midori is a deep green color, like the color of the leaves of a delicious tree. It is one of the three primary colors of light. It has been used since ancient times, and in ancient times it was dyed with “blue” from dew grass and “yellow” from Kariyasu or Obaku.
The first appearance of “green” was in the “Seven Colors and Thirteen Stages of Governmental Ranks” in the third year of the Taika era (647).
In the Yoroi Clothing Order Ebukuryo (757), “Fukamidori” and “Asamidori” were divided into two colors: “Fukamidori” was the sixth rank of government rank, and “Asamidori” was the seventh rank, the middle rank color. In addition, the Engi Sewing Hall Dyeing Instructions describe the three colors of “Fukamidori,” “Nakamidori,” and “Asamidori.
The Japanese name “Midori” is said to be a corruption of “Sonidori.” The Japanese name “Midori” is said to be a corruption of “Sonidori.
The Japanese name “Midori” is also said to be a corruption of “Sonidori.” “The blue robe of the bird is dressed in makutsuzasa” (Kojiki).
The color of the feathers of the kingfisher, which can be said to be the origin of the word “green,” was only recently, after the Meiji period (1868-1912), that the color “Sui-shoku,” derived from kingfishers, was created.
The word “green” generally refers to a wide range of shades of green in general, but in traditional terms, it refers to dark green. However, “green” as defined in the modern JIS standard refers to a more vivid color.
Incidentally, even today, there are many words used to describe green as “blue,” such as “aoba” for fresh green leaves or “aota” for green rice paddies, but this does not mean that people in the past could not distinguish between blue and green; they just did not use the two different words.
In modern times, it would be similar to the feeling of calling both “blue” without distinguishing between “light blue” and “sky blue.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
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