色の名前Japan Color Name | 空色(そらいろ) |
ローマ字Romanized | Sora-iro |
RGB | R:115 G:184 B:226 |
CMYK | C:60 M:15 Y:00 K:00 |
Web カラーHex triplet | |
誕辰色 | 5月31日 |
空色(そらいろ)とは、昼間の晴れた空を思わせる紫みの薄い明るい青色のことです。「天」とかいて「そら」と読んだり、『真空色 』『空天色 』『碧天 』とも書かれました。中国明代の科学技術書「天工開物」には『天青色』とあり、その染色は藍の淡染の上に蘇芳水をかけることが記されています。ちなみに『天色』と書いた場合、「そらいろ」と読むと空色と同じ色を指しますが、「あまいろ」と読むともう少し青みが濃い鮮やかな色を指します。
[Explanation of a color]
Sora-iro is a pale purple light blue that looks like the sunny daytime sky. I read “Sora” as “天” and “Masora-iro”, “Tenkushoku” and “Hekiten” were also written. It is written as “Tenseishoku” in the China Science and Technology Book “Tengoku Kaiju”, and it is described that the dyeing is done by applying Suyoshi water on the light color of a cocoon. By the way, when I write “天色”, when I read “Sora-iro”, it means the same color as sky blue, but when I read “Ama-iro”, it means a more vivid blue color.
Sora-iro is a color name that has been used for a long time, but it became popular in literary works after the Meiji and Taisho eras, and became more widely used.
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