日本語版特徴1 | 特徴2 | インスピレーションワード |
空想が好き | 寒さに強い | ラジオ |
Characteristic 1 | Characteristic 2 | Inspiration Words |
I love daydreaming. | cold-resistant | radio |
特征1 | 特征2 | 鼓舞人心的话语 |
我喜欢做白日梦。 | 耐寒 | 无线电 |
卯の花色(うのはないろ)とは、卯の花のようなわずかに黄みがかった白色のことです。平安時代からの伝統色名で、代表的な『白色』のひとつ。卯の花は空木 の木に咲く初夏の花ですが、小さい白い花が枝いっぱいに咲くさまが平安時代には「雪かとまがう」と形容され、古来より「白さ」をあらわす言葉として用いられました。
卯の花とは空木 の花の別称。空木はアジサイ科ウツギ属の落葉性低木。北海道南部から九州にかけて広く分布し、日本各地の山野でふつうに見られます。
空木の名の由来は、枝の内部が空 なことに因 み「空ろな木=空木」から。「卯の花」の名の由来は「空木 の花」を省略して「うのはな」と名付けられています。また、旧暦四月を「卯月 」というのも「卯」の花が咲く「月」ということから名付けられました。
重 ねの色目としての卯花襲は、「表地・白、裏地・青」を配して卯の花を表現した夏の色です。ちなみに、この場合の「青」とは今でいう『緑色』のこと。
このように襲の色目には白・白以外の配色でも「白い色」を表している色目がいくつかあります。例えば、春の色の『梅の衣』は「白と蘇芳 」、秋の色の『白菊』は「白と青」、冬の色の『雪の下』は「白と紅梅」などです。これらの色は裏に配する色によって表の白を際立たせ、より白く見せようとしたものかもしれません。
[Explanation of a color]
The Unohana-iro, is a white to off-slightly yellowish like UNOHANA. In traditional color name from the Heian period, a typical one of the “white”. Unohana is a bloom early summer flowers in tree of Utsugi, whom a bloom to full branch small white flowers is in the Heian period is described as “Magau whether snow”, is used as a term representing the “whiteness” from ancient times year.
Also known as the flower of Utsugi the UNOHANA. Utsugi is hydrangeaceae deutzia deciduous shrub. Widely distributed over the Kyushu from southern Hokkaido, seen commonly in Japan around the fields and mountains.
Early summer season, bloom many small white flowers of about 1cm to the branches, the flower was also referred to as “Yukimisou” because it looks like snow.
Origin of the null tree name is, Chinami to that core of the branches are hollow from the “hollow tree = Utsugi”. Origin of the name of “Unohana” is named “Unohana” to omit the “Utsugi no Hana”. In addition, it was named from the April lunar calendar called “Uzuki” because “U” flowers bloom “Tuki”.
By the way, for the “bean curd” in the rest of the tofu dregs referred to as a “Unohana” is, and the color and shape are similar, is due to play on words the core of the branches of Utsugi was subjected to Kara thing.
Unohana-Kasane as the color of the raid is a “outer material · Shiro, lining · Ao” summer of color representing the UNOHANA is arranged. By the way, that this is a “Ao” of the case referred to in the now of the “Midori”.
In this way the color of the raid there are some color that represents the “white color” is also in the color scheme of non-Shiro · Shiro. For example, “Ume no Koromo” in the spring of color is such as “Shiro and Suo,” “Shiragiku” is “Shiro and Ao” of autumn color, “Yuki no Shita” in the winter of color is “Shiro and Koubai”. These colors highlights the Shiro of the table by the color placing on the back, but may look and try to show whiter.
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