色の名前Japan Color Name | 支子色(くちなしいろ) |
ローマ字Romanized | Kuchinashi-iro |
RGB | R:253 G:216 B:118 |
CMYK | C:00 M:18 Y:60 K:00 |
Web カラーHex triplet | |
誕辰色 | 10月9日 |
クチナシは奈良時代より『黄丹 』の下染めに使われていましたが、「支子」の色名はありませんでした。 色名がみられるようになるのは平安時代から。当時は『黄支子 』と呼ばれており、『延喜式 』に記述がある他、『古今和歌集』などにもその名が詠まれています。ただし、厳密にはクチナシで染めた黄色に紅花の赤をわずかに重ね染めした色を支子色、クチナシのみで染めた色を黄支子と呼んで区別されました。
『延喜式』には他に『深支子 』『浅支子 』がありますが、この二色はともに禁色の『黄丹』と同じクチナシと紅花による染色法で、また色合いも似ていて紛らわしいことから、一時『禁色』とされた時期があります。
支子の実は「山梔子 」ともいい、古くから染料や薬料として用いられてきました。現在でも、キントンを作るときにさつま芋の色づけに使われたりします。
支子色は江戸時代を通して人気の色で、江戸の本草学者 “貝原益軒 ” も支子染の法を説いています。 また、この実が熟しても口を開かないことから「口無し」と呼ばれ、支子色のことを『言わぬ色=不言色 』とも呼ばれました。
- ■黄色(きいろ)の由来や色見本
- ■黄丹(おうに)の由来や色見本
- ■黄支子(きくちなし)の由来や色見本
- ■深支子(こききくちなし)の由来や色見本
- ■不言色(いわぬいろ)の由来や色見本
- ■梔子色(くちなしいろ)の由来や色見本
[Explanation of a color]
The Kuchinashi-iro, dyed in the fruit of the gardenia, is yellow with a little redness. Separately referred to as “梔子色”, there is a width slightly in shades of reddish shades.
Gardenia had been used in the bottoming of the “Oni” from the Nara period, but there was no color name of “Kuchinashi”. It becomes as color name can be seen from the Heian period. At that time, it has been referred to as the “Kikuchinashi”, except that there is a description in the “Engishiki”, even in such as “Kokin Wakashū” the name has been poems. However, strictly speaking, has been distinguished by calling the color was slightly overlapped dyed red safflower yellow dyed in gardenia Kuchinashi-iro, the color dyed only in the gardenia and Kikuchinashi.
Although there are “Fukakikuchinashi” “Asakikuchinashi” to another is to “Engishiki”, in the staining method with the same gardenia and safflower as “Oni” of the secondary colors together Kinjiki, also from the fact misleading also similar hue, a temporary “Kinjiki “and has been time there was.
Gardenia, Rubiaceae gardenia genus of evergreen shrubs. In addition to native as shrub forest in about tree height 1-3 meters, it has been cultivated as a horticultural. The flowering season is 6-July, bloom one by one, 10 – in around November and give the fruit of red yellow.
In fact, the gardenia is also referred to as “Sanshishi”, it has been used as a dye and Kusuriryo from ancient times. Even now, it or is used in coloring of sweet potatoes when making Kinton.
Theory that it is the origin of the name of gardenia, theory and became from the fact that not crack even when ripe fruit “no mouth”, “KUchinawa = snake”, “grow on trees Nashi = fruit” of, has changed from Kuchinawashi to Kuchinashi also it seems to be.
Kuchinashi-iro has preached popular in the color, the law of Edo herbalism’s “Kaibara Ekken” also 支子 dyed through the Edo era. Also, referred to as the “no mouth” from the fact that this fruit does not open his mouth even when ripe, that of Kuchinashi-iro was also referred to as “Iwanu-iro”.
※ herbalism: Place the emphasis on medicinal, he studied Chinese ancient academic plants and natural objects.
-read: Kuchinashi-iro-
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