日本語版特徴1 | 特徴2 | インスピレーションワード |
見た目にこだわる | 計画性がある | ベルト |
Characteristic 1 | Characteristic 2 | Inspiration Words |
stick to one's appearance | think ahead | belt |
特征1 | 特征2 | 鼓舞人心的话语 |
板着脸 | 这是一个计划。 | 腰带 |

織部(おりべ)とは、焼き物の織部焼 の色のような深みのある美しい暗緑色のことです。色名はその名のとおり織部焼から。
織部焼は“千利休 ”の高弟“古田織部 ”が故郷の美濃国(現在の岐阜県土岐市)の窯元で、萌え出でる若葉や自然を象徴する『緑青色』を器に再現しようと緑色の釉薬 『緑釉 』を用いて作らせた焼き物です。
千利休により完成された侘茶 を独自の感性で発展させ、その真髄を取り入れた織部焼。
古田 織部 /古田 重然
古田 織部は、安土桃山時代から江戸時代初期にかけての戦国武将、大名。千利休の高弟で茶人。
[Explanation of a color]
The Oribe, it is the beautiful dark green to a deep, such as the color of Oribe ware pottery. Color names from Oribe ware as its name.
Oribe ware is “Sen no Rikyu” of disciples “Furuta Oribe” and an attempt to reproduce the “green-blue” to symbolize the nature young leaves and that in eruption in the pottery of the Mino country home in bowl, using a green glaze “Ryokuyu” This is the pottery that was made Te.
Furuta Oribe is a military commander tea masters. Edo is the shogunate second generation Shogun of “Tokugawa Hidetada” and artists of “Honami Koetsu” Momoyama era’s premier cultural people with his disciples, and the like. Oribe bold and free spirit that favored was called the rage in that era “Oribe taste”.
And to develop in its own sensibility has been completed “Wabicha” by Sen no Rikyu, Oribe ware that incorporates the essence. Derived from such Oribe ware of color “Oribe” It is also delicious colors.
-read: Oribe-