色の名前Japan Color Name | 躑躅色(つつじいろ) |
ローマ字Romanized | Tutuji-iro |
RGB | R:224 G:044 B:135 |
CMYK | C:00 M:90 Y:00 K:05 |
Web カラーHex triplet | |
誕辰色 | 4月17日 |
重 ねの色目でもあり、「表・蘇芳 、裏・萌黄 」、または「表・紅梅 、裏・青」を配し、春から初夏にかけてのもとのされました。ちなみに、“清少納言” は『枕草子』の中で、躑躅色は冬の下襲 に良いと記しています。
「下襲は、冬は躑躅、桜。掻練襲 。蘇芳襲 。夏は二藍 、白襲 。」(枕草子)
躑躅色は日本の伝統色の中でも、『牡丹色 』とともに赤紫系の代表といえるでしょう。

「風早の三穂の浦みの白つつじ みれどもさぶし なき人思へば」河辺宮人
- ■紅色(べにいろ)の由来や色見本
- ■赤色(あかいろ)の由来や色見本
- ■紫色(むらさきいろ)の由来や色見本
- ■蘇芳(すおう)の由来や色見本
- ■紅梅色(こうばいいろ)の由来や色見本
- ■牡丹色(ぼたんいろ)の由来や色見本
- ■萌黄(もえぎ)の由来や色見本
- 長崎盛輝『新版 日本の伝統色 その色名と色調』青幻舎 ISBN-10:4861520711
- 吉岡幸雄『日本の色辞典』紫紅社 ISBN-10:4879405493
- 内田 広由紀『定本 和の色事典』視覚デザイン研究所 ISBN-10:4881082035
[Explanation of a color]
The Tsutsuji-iro, such as red azalea flowers, is a vivid red purple. Tsutsuji-iro, even “Manyoshu” traditional color of old that the name can be seen. The azalea flowers, white, and red, yellow, a variety of colors such as purple, but generally refers to this red-purple Speaking of flower color of azalea.
There is also the color of Kasane, placed “Table · Suou, back · Moegi”, or “table · Koubai, back · Ao”, it was from the spring of the original early summer. By the way, “Sei Shōnagon” is in “Pillow Book”, Tsutsuji-iro, but was winter under prone we wrote that good bill.
“Shitakasane is, winter is Tsutsuji, Sakura.Kainerikasane.Suoukasane. Summer Futaai, Shiragasane.” (The Pillow Book)
The Tusuji is the generic name of the azalea plant of the family or azalea plants of the genus,. Evergreen shrub, it is flowering the funnel-shaped characteristic shape of the flower of the time from April to May. Spring season words.
In Japan, azalea is native to Yamano and hills, and the like are grown in a garden as an ornamental since ancient times, has been popular. It planted well in color of the garden even now.
Tsutsuji-iro is in Japan’s traditional color is representative of red purple with “Botan-iro”.
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